Where to eat?

Ultima modifica 26 luglio 2023

Antica Osteria di Moirago

Address: via Pavese 4 - Moirago frazione di Zibido San Giacomo (MI)
Tel: 0290002174
The Antica Osteria Moirago is a piece of history of the Milanese countryside. The structure dates back to 1250 and overlooks the Naviglio Pavese. Having become an inn already in 1478, it has maintained this activity uninterruptedly up to the present day. Francesca, Pasquale and their son Dario have been conducting this family business with extreme passion and attention to detail for over thirty years. The enchanting setting reveals itself from the entrance: a portico of fourteenth-century granite columns will welcome you on the veranda, with its large windows and pleasantly heated by ancient majolica stoves.

Agriturismo Pioltino

Address: via Cascina Pioltino snc - Zibido San Giacomo (Mi)
Tel: 3402432695
The Cascina Pioltino is an old Lombard-style farmhouse where correct agronomic practices, both traditional and innovative, yield high-quality products. Bred animals feed exclusively on produce grown on the farm. Typical menus are based on Lombard products and, on request, special themed menus (for example tripe, polenta or caseoula). Local traditional dishes are also offered, along with simple snacks and menus suited to the most demanding palates, all strictly based on products from the Lombardy region. Here it is also possible to buy local products.

La Pergola

Address: S.S. dei Giovi, 23 - Badile frazione di Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 0290090692/ 3381854397
La Pergola is a characteristic Lombard farmhouse recently restored. Its Mediterranean cuisine offers a wide choice of dishes based on fish, vegetables and meat, with home-made specialties such as pasta, desserts and bread. The pizzas strictly cooked in a wood oven complete the restaurant's offerings. La Pergola also has double rooms and apartments.

Locanda dei Navigli

Address: via Dante Alighieri, 1 - San Pietro Cusico frazione di Zibido San Giacomo MI
Tel: 0225138027
The Locanda dei Navigli was born to champion the time-honoured culinary tradition of the territory. The vast selection of seasonal typical Lombard dishes - with some excursions into the neighbouring regions - finds ample space in the warm and tasteful setting and the old-time atmosphere that the locale recreates, all immersed in the reality of a country village of agricultural vocation.

Laghi Carcana Restaurant

Address: via privata Carcana - San Pietro Cusico frazione di Zibido San Giacomo
Telephone: 0290003856
The Laghi Carcana Restaurant welcomes its customers in a rustic and natural environment where you can breathe a genuine and fresh atmosphere. The restaurant is surrounded by nature and the kitchen offers mainly Lombard fish specialties.

L'Osterietta restaurant

Address: via XXV Aprile, 62 - San Pietro Cusico frazione di Zibido San Giacomo
Telephone: 0290002483
L’Osterietta is a rustic and characteristic restaurant which offers both meat and fish menus as well as very good pizza, cooked in a wood oven. All dishes are prepared using quality ingredients, often local.

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