Where to buy local products?

Ultima modifica 26 luglio 2023

Agriturismo Pioltino

Address: via Cascina Pioltino snc Zibido San Giacomo (Mi)
Tel: 3402432695
Cascina Pioltino is an old Lombard-style farmhouse where you can find both an agriturismo and a sales point with local products. You can buy rice, cold cuts, honey and jams.

Tessera Farmhouse

Address: Via San Giacomo, 11 - Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 0290002624 / 3383308220 / 3387402764
The Tessera Farmhouse is located in the Cascina Giustina, a rural architecture building dating back to the 18th century, restored in 2010. The simple and refined manor house welcomes a small but well-stocked shop where to find locally produced foods.

Zipo Agricultural Company

Address: via S. Giacomo, 15 - Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 3492601886/ 3387916753
Website: www.zipo.it
The Zipo farm is located within the rural complex of the Cascina Ca' Grande which dates back to the 14th century. Everything you can buy at the farm shop is made on the site, with the exception of excellent Cremonese cold cuts. Among the excellent products of this farm, a special mention goes to the zipotta, semi-cooked cheese made from whole raw milk, the zipolizia, a spreadable cheese obtained starting from the filtration on sheets of micro-perforated yogurt, and the zipoyo, yogurt obtained from natural fermentation of milk.

Cascina Femegro

Address: via Eugenio Curiel - Zibido
Tel: 0290002435
The Femegro farm has over 350 head of cattle and 150 hectares of rice or corn. The shop sells cheeses produced in the dairy, as well as jams, rice and honey.

Cascina Santa Marta

Address: Cascina Santa Marta - Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 0290002390
Website: www.mocine.it
Cascina Santa Marta is one of the oldest "courts" of the lower Milan area, located in the South Agricultural Park. Rice, corn, vegetables, legumes and fruit are grown in strict compliance with seasonal rhythms and according to eco-compatible farming methods. The in-house shop, awarded as the best Italian taste shop by the Papillon Club, offers products of Cascina Santa Marta and of other local farms. Here you can find meat, rice, wine, oil, beers, salami and cheeses.

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