A visit to the Salterio Museum

Ultima modifica 26 luglio 2023

A visit to the Salterio Museum - Taste and Landscape Warehouse (MUSA)

On the ground floor of the Salterio Museum, some panels introduce the history of the area's crops (in particular rice and corn). On the first floor, videos feature locals reminiscing on traditional occupations (like the mondina, the blacksmith and the farmer) and ancient local festivities.

The multimedia room is the most interesting room of the museum. Here, thanks to a special video system, it will be possible to "dive" into the territory and learn about the techniques of water management, product collection and animal breeding.

Finally, thanks to special 3D visors, you will be able to live an interactive experience "moving" in an ancient farm or in a rural church.

The MUSA is not a traditional ethnographic museum of the agricultural world, but seeks to present innovative educational experiences to draw the public closer to two major themes: taste and landscape. The purpose of the installation is to convey both the didactic and informative content, as well as the sensorial and suggestive dimension. The educational experience of the MUSA may be further deepened thanks to the 8 QR codes present along the Zigò itinerary that refer to as many in-depth pages linked to the themes of rural life.

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